X’Tract Lymphatic Cleanse
X-Tract™: a hands on technique that helps you release toxins from your body through the lymphatic system to increase energy levels. Issues due to a blocked lymphatic system includes aches, pains, flulike symptoms, arthritis, fatigue, depression, acne, cellulite and excess weight to name a few. Call to schedule you appointment today!
X-Tract cleanses are performed at the co-located New U Rejuvenation Center. New U Rejuvenation is a full-service rejuvenation center where members can come and receive exercise and fitness training, diet and nutritional tips, relaxation, and detoxification therapies in a variety of ways. They feature high-end specialized equipment that allows you to accomplish your results in a 1/3 of the time you would spend at a typical gym. In addition, their programs come with a Personal Lifestyle Fitness Trainer to assist you and keep you on track to meet your goals.
Frequently asked questions:
- X’Tract is a toxic release and cleansing technique that targets the lymphatic system. It helps release toxins, emotional and physical traumas, and erases history from residual illness. X’Tract cleanses the lymphatic system on the deepest level (soul = mind, will, emotions) and redirects flow of fluid and other waste products. It is the missing link to optimal whole health and weight loss.
- What is aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is also referred to as essential oil therapy. It’s the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. Our sense of smell is produced by the brain’s olfactory bulbs which are hard-wired into the Limbic System. This is why the sense of smell can evoke such a powerful response. This system influences the endocrine system as well as the autonomic nervous system. The limbic system is often called the seat of all emotions. Specifically, the amygdala is responsible for storing and releasing emotional trauma. Essential Oils have profound physiological and psychological effects. The main purpose of X’Tract is removing toxins; the use of specific oils is optional and encouraged but not required.
- What is the difference between X’Tract and massage? A massage is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments). Massage therapists use techniques to relax the muscles. X’Tract doesn’t target the muscle, connective tissues, tendons nor ligaments.
- What is a toxin? Four main types of toxins that are addressed through toxic release: heavy metals, chemical toxins, microbial compounds, and byproducts from protein metabolism. Improperly digested toxic particles can clog the channels in your body. Some of these channels are physical and include the intestines, lymphatic system, arteries and veins, capillaries, and genitourinary tract. Others are nonphysical channels through which your energy flows. Toxicity accumulates wherever there is a weakness in the body.
- What is detoxification? Detoxification is a broad term that encompasses many different ways of cleansing the body’s internal systems and organs. Advocates believe detoxification cleanses the body, clears the skin, enhances the senses, helps weight loss, improves fertility, improves flexibility, increases vitamin and mineral absorption, purifies, reduces blood fat levels, reduces symptoms of toxicity, rejuvenates, rests organs, and slows aging.
- What organs perform the detoxification function? The skin, liver, intestines and kidneys. Many methods of detoxification focus on strengthening or supporting the natural processes of these organs. These systems and their related detoxification functions include the skin (perspiration), the liver (filtration of blood, secretion of bile and enzymes), the intestines (mucosal detoxification, excretion of feces), and the kidneys (excretion of urine).
- What should you do before and after detoxing? Consult with your healthcare professional first if you have acute or serious medical conditions or are on prescription medications. Dehydration or depletion of essential nutrients sometimes occurs afterwards. Take appropriate action based on your body’s needs. A detox may result in temporary side effects such as headaches and other aches and pains, nausea, fatigue, skin eruptions, emotional irritability, gas, tight muscles, yawning, temporary stopping of menstruation, and temporary constipation or diarrhea, as toxins are released from the body. After your body releases the toxins, you may feel joy, peace, lightness, inch loss and freedom. Let the good results and temporary side effects come through, positive or negative. This is your body’s own way of healing itself. All are good signs, as they mean that the process is working.
- How does detoxifying help me lose weight? Detoxification holds that certain toxins such as chemicals and pesticides can build up in the body, particularly in fat cells. These toxins need to be cleansed away as part of a well-rounded dietary and exercise treatment program for losing weight. Detoxification regimens are also useful in preventing unwanted weight from returning.
- Who should NOT have an X’Tract? People, currently receiving radiation or chemotherapy, have open cuts or wounds, blood clots, are pregnant or nursing, active burns or rashes, on blood thinners, or have had a recent surgery. Consult with your healthcare professional first if you have acute or serious medical conditions or are on prescription medications.
- The importance of X’Tract for Mastectomy Breast Cancer? Lymphatic massage, also called lymphatic drainage or manual lymph drainage, is a technique developed in Germany for treatment of lymphedema, an accumulation of fluid that can occur after lymph nodes are removed during surgery, most often a mastectomy for breast cancer. Lymphedema can also be present at birth or develop at puberty or during adulthood. This type, known as Primary Lymphedema, can affect as many as four limbs and/or other parts of the body.